In a cinematic feat that pushes the boundaries of fashion and adventure, director Damien Blue, another new addition to the Resolve Media Group roster, has taken Saint Laurent's fall collection to exhilarating new heights. The star of this avant-garde spectacle is the oversized pinstriped wool coat, and the setting is nothing short of breathtaking – the rooftop against the sprawling Los Angeles skyline.
What makes this commercial truly exceptional isn't just the couture; it's the audacious filmmaking approach that Damien brings to the forefront. Damien shares a unique camaraderie with model Shane, born out of their shared enthusiasm for climbing abandoned buildings. This offbeat connection led to a groundbreaking idea: why not fuse the adrenaline-fueled world of building climbing with the refinement of a high-end fashion brand?
This visionary project began with a pitch to YSL, facilitated by Shane's connection, a model who had previously graced Saint Laurent's runway. The brand, having experienced Shane's professionalism and the duo's audacious vision, eagerly agreed, dispatching the coveted oversized coat for an extraordinary shoot.
While most building-climbing videos are shot on GoPros or smaller cameras for practicality, Damien's unwavering commitment to excellence steered the project toward the rich quality of 35mm film. Hauling the hefty camera and gear up 54 flights of stairs became a testament to the team's dedication to achieving a level of visual sophistication rarely witnessed in such unconventional settings.
The true crucible for Damien's filmmaking prowess came at the summit, where Shane, accustomed to the nimble nature of action cameras, had to adapt to the weight and intricacies of a high-end film camera. This showcase of initiative, determination, and daring creativity underscores Damien's commitment to employing quality equipment and advanced filmmaking techniques in seemingly unreachable locations, capturing shots with unparalleled finesse.
Damien Blue's Saint Laurent commercial isn't merely a fashion statement; it's a thrilling testament to his bold vision and unwavering dedication to go beyond conventional norms to capture the perfect shot. As Damien continues to redefine the parameters of fashion cinematography, one can only speculate on the daring heights he'll conquer in his cinematic pursuits.