Photo by Niklas Ohlrogge on Unsplash
What is LTO Archive
LTO, or Linear Tape-Open, is an invaluable tool for archiving data due to its immense storage capacity and durable medium. Its sheer magnitude allows it to hold up to 12TB of uncompressed data on a single tape, making LTO perfect for long-term storage needs. Additionally, compared to other forms of media, LTOs have excellent stability. Their reliability makes them ideal for mission-critical applications where accuracy is paramount. All in all, LTOs provide users with exceptional levels of dependability and affordability - there's simply no better way to archive important data.
The Benefits of LTO Archiving

Photo by Edu Grande on Unsplash
Long-term archiving with LTO tape has become a popular solution to securely store data for companies of all sizes. This reliable and cost-effective way to back up data provides numerous advantages over other archiving methods. Companies gain peace of mind knowing that their data is safe and secure; able to access the data for 30 - 50 years. Additionally, LTO archiving enables companies to store large amounts of data in a small physical space compared to hard drives or cloud storage. These benefits have made LTO archiving an attractive option for long-term data storage and preservation.
The Difference Between Backups and Archiving

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash
Backing up data is the process of regularly creating copies of a company's information, usually on an external storage device such as a hard drive. It provides companies with an effective way to protect their data from being lost and ensures that they can access it if needed. On the other hand, archiving data involves storing important documents in an organized manner for long-term preservation. This includes using durable media like LTO tapes that are able to maintain reliability over decades, providing organizations with peace of mind.
Whether to backup or archive data is a critical decision for companies that want to protect their important files. Fortunately, there are various options available depending on the needs of each organization. Hard drive backups are generally the most economical option when it comes to storing large amounts of information. They provide fast access and affordable cost per GB. However, LTO archiving may be better suited if long-term preservation is needed, since its reliable media can store documents over decades without deterioration. Lastly, cloud storage can be ideal for businesses seeking remote accessibility, but at an often higher price than the other two solutions.
How To Transfer Data To LTO
Transferring data to LTO requires an experienced data archivist that can recognize the value of leveraging newer formats for long-term archiving. The latest version, LTO 8 offers significantly higher storage capacity (up to 12TB) and faster transfer speeds (up to 800Mb/s) compared to its predecessor, LTO 7. Such improvements provide companies with a reliable and secure solution for large amounts of data in a small physical space, ensuring easy access over time. Professionals can make use of this technology to benefit their organizations, saving time and resources while having peace of mind about data security.
Our Process
At Resolve Media Group, we can transfer your data to LTO 7 or LTO 8. Here is our process:
1. Request a quote by contacting info@resolvemediagroup.com
2. Gather your data on external hard drives
3. Ship them to our Atlanta office
4. We will optimize the format of your data before copying to LTO and verify that no data has been missed or corrupted using checksum software
5. We will ship the drives and LTO tapes back to you containing your archived data